Friday, June 14, 2013

More talking. Happy Talk.

I grabbed a quick coffee with CH earlier today. I don't usually see her on a Friday, but she was floating around the office and she needed to pay off a favour I did for her last week.

We were sitting round a table, just the two of us and she mentioned, just as KfW2 had done a few weeks ago, that it was clear that I have been quite unhappy over the past few months. I said that it was work-related and she agreed. She said that she felt that the ongoing problem had consumed me and was hoping (as I was) that it will be resolved within the next two weeks.

I have mentioned that I can't recall anyone ever taking an interest in my life as much before to actually tell me that they're concerned in the way that KfW2 and now CH have done. Is it because they're tuned in better to who I am or is it because my unhappiness is a lot more obvious/serious than I actually thought it was?

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...