The sun was rising over the mountains to the east. The sky was clear and even though it was not yet 8 AM, it was obviously going to be another clear, beautiful day. I stretched out my legs and settled back for the journey, putting in my earphones and selecting shuffle on my iPod.
As we entered the mountains, on one of those winding roads you rarely see outside of a film, a new tune started playing. "Everything goes around the water" by The Delagados. It was a song I'd forgotten I had, but it just seemed so apt, musically (though maybe not lyrically). I was halfway through my trip and the tricky two weeks that I had been travelling on my own was at an end as I'd be meeting up with E later that day and another friend of mine the next day. I was chilled, happy and looking forward to the last phase of my travels.
That's the memory that stirred today when, just like above, I had the iPod on random and "Everything goes around the water" appeared once again. I remember reading one post on Belle de Jour's blog that just reminded me of something really cinematic and my own memory above is exactly the same (probably made even more so with the added soundtrack).
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