Friday, December 16, 2022

Safety first.

Urgh, my head.

I was out last night with FC, GM and S. Neither Mrs FC nor FP showed up. It was a great and interesting night. We ended up staying in our second bar, getting lucky with some seats. We discussed one of the bar staff - it was a cute girl that we'd had a history with when we used to go out regularly. It was surprising that she was still working at the same bar, though I've always suspected that she, and her older sister, were related to the bar owners.

Anyway, the interesting part of the evening was that I ended up "rescuing" an attractive blonde woman from some unwanted attention. Our paths had crossed all evening. She was originally being hit on by her boss's brother (I think it was a work night out), though I don't think she minded that and he really wasn't getting anywhere. He asked me how his date was going and I said that I really wasn't getting a date vibe off them.

We made small talk each time our paths crossed and she introduced herself and hugged me. That guy left though, and the next time I went to the bar she was talking to another guy.

We made eye contact and she immediately disengaged with the guy to give me another massive hug. I sensed something might be wrong.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"Yes please!"

"I need to borrow Chloe* for a bit," I said to the guy and guided Chloe away to where GM and S were sitting (FC had gone home by this point). She settled immediately and chatted away with us until closing time.

We couldn't get a taxi, so I offered to ensure she got home safely. It was a choice between hanging around and possibly getting a taxi or walking home. We both live about an hour's walk from the bar in roughly the same direction. It was difficult to decide if there was a genuine connection or if it was just gratitude for making sure she was safe. Despite the fact that she was incredibly tactile, it didn't feel that it was going to lead anywhere. 

That was confirmed when she took a call as we were walking home from her Mum, who was also her babysitter. We parted ways around a third of the way home. She insisted that I text her to make sure I got home OK and we swapped numbers.

We did indeed swap a few text messages, confirming to each other that we made it home safely. And that was that. I doubt I'll text her, but let's see what happens if she texts. She did specifically ask me to save her number, though, so I am wondering.

*Not her real name

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