Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Post Christmas Blues

I've done two days at my sister's as is the normal Ruuude tradition at this time of year. It's probably partly the remnants of this 'flu or Covid coupled with me being an introvert means I really appreciated my own space today. 

I'd usually start posting about New Year's Eve, trying to get The Crowd to commit to heading out, but it seems like that's a bust already. I had asked the question before Christmas, but they were more interested in arranging a New Year's Day hike than discussing NYE.

It doesn't look like FP will be available for any socialising. I might give Nerdy Girl a call to see if she wants to meet for coffee or something.

I've also had this nagging thought at the back of my mind that I might have, or should have, texted Chloe. more from a point of view that she wanted me to rather than me wanting to. I'll rephrase... I wouldn't have minded seeing her again purely from the perspective of meeting someone new and opening up new opportunities. It probably wouldn't have gone anywhere romantically - I think I've already posted about her age and child status which are likely deal-breakers. It's too late now, though.

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