Sunday, June 09, 2019


Sometimes I wonder. I hadn't heard from E since we last spoke late on Tuesday night. I was trying to juggle three different things: meeting E, getting FP out and potentially arranging to introduce E and KfW2 - two women who are very close and important to me.

But I needed E to tell me what was going on - times, venues and that stuff. I'd asked a few times and gotten vague responses.

KfW2 was out and about in town and was staying over at mine. E was out with friends and ES. FP and I were trying to figure out what was going on.

By the time E (via ES) sent a text to let me know the arrangements, it was well after 9 PM. The taxi companies were quoting an hour to get a cab. I had only planned to go out for an hour or so anyway - a combination of exhaustion (chasing after KfW2's kids all afternoon, being awake from 4 AM) and wanting to avoid the post-pub rush.

I had been tetchy all day and in the lead up to the text message arriving, I had changed my mind several times about whether I would even go out. I'd at least hedged my bets and was suited and booted, just in case. As it turns out, the taxi companies made my decision for me.

I don't do FOMO, but I was disappointed that I couldn't introduce E and KfW2.

I had a few beers in the house while watching some films and eventually went to bed at 1 AM. Despite the exhaustion, it took a while to get to sleep.

I was awoken by KfW2 knocking on the door of my bedroom at some point and launching herself onto the bed. She was just a little bit tipsy. We chatted for a bit - only a few minutes - and she left to make a cup of tea with her husband.

That provoked a tinge of something from two angles - I like that she was comfortable enough in our friendship to do that (though it kinda goes against the fact she won't even stay over if she's alone) and also that  KfW2 had gotten ready to go out at mine and she had looked stunning when she left. Having a stunning looking woman launch herself onto my bed at 3 AM is not something that has happened at any time recently. It would be nice if it happened again, only with someone who belonged in my bed.

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