Saturday, June 15, 2019


A few weeks ago. while out on an unexpected night out with E and ES, ES and I got talking about online dating. Ultimately, though rather surprisingly, we've had roughly the same success i.e. one date. She, on the other hand, has had many more conversations than I have.

Actually, that seems to be true of anyone I know who has done online dating or dating apps.

Which reminds me, ES recommended Elite Singles. If I get into "proper" online dating again, I'll give it a try.

With ES's comments ringing in my ears, I dipped my toe in again... well, I fired up Tinder, which I do every now and again anyway and lo and behold , a cute girl, giving off a vibe who took my fancy. A vibe of what, I can't tell. Not recognition, but there was something familiar about her. So I swiped right, of course.

Fast forward to today. Browsing a friend's Facebook profile due to an interesting post that she made, there's a familiar head shot belonging to someone who also commented. The cute girl from Tinder.

Interesting that we have mutual friends, given my friend herself lives over 100 miles away.

And the Tinder girl is still giving off a vibe that I can't put my finger on.

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