Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Double take.

I've often commented how, at certain times, the lovely Alison Brie resembles CH. And she does - at least at times when she gives a certain smile.

Like this:
Or this:

Especially in that last photo. I think it's a combo of the smile and hairstyle (CH's was worn slightly shorter, but was essentially the same thing).

But fuck me, if this didn't pop up on the internet today, another picture of Alison Brie, this time being a spitting image of QC2:

[Note: This is not the picture in question. It disappeared in the great image purge of 2023. Suffice it to say that AB's resemblance to CH has lessened over the years from her Community days, presumably due to ageing and her embracing of fitness, which has meant some weight loss, and these days she's more likely to resemble QC2, which in itself is not a bad thing seeing as I had a crush on both women.]

I don't know how interested you are in how much Alison Brie looks like ex-crushes of mine, but any excuse to post a picture or two of a good-looking woman.

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