I'm really concerned about this interview now. I've managed to get my hands on a set of sample questions that I may be asked and I have serious concerns about if I can answer them... The thing is, these aren't even the technical questions that I do fear. It's the expected interview type questions - "Name a time when you..."
For a lot of them, I know I've had the experiences they're looking for me to describe... I just can't remember them, or remember them in any detail.
And that's what scares me - the not remembering.
I've always taken pride in my ability to remember, but I know that's been ebbing away a lot. I have difficulty remembering words, for starters. Dates, too, are gone.
I am wholly unprepared for the interview both from a professional perspective and a personal perspective.
I'm stressed about it, I'm fairly sure tonight will be sleepless and I will worry to the point of being ill tomorrow.
I want to email the guy and say that I withdraw my application, but I need the interview experience if I am to leave my current role. And I really want to leave my current role.
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