Saturday, April 28, 2018

Friends. Female ones.

KfW2 and I were trying to solve a problem in work. We went back and forth, offering up various ideas until we had nearly figured it out. KfW2 had her idea, I had mine. We debated the merits of the two of them quite vocally for around ten minutes.

Stalky Guy, sitting about five metres away, giggled to himself.

"What do you find so funny?" queried KfW2.

"You two," he said. "You sound like a married couple."

I don't know if that's how we sounded or not, but it transpired that, once we took a step back and looked at the problem again, that our two ideas for solving it were pretty similar.

It was late, so we fixed the problem and left.

Stalky Guy was still giggling to himself as we left the office.

The comment reminded me how close KfW2 and I are as friends. It's not the first time someone's made a comment like that about me and a female friend. Someone (a colleague that neither of us knew particularly well, who saw us out in the pub) asked KfW2 and I once if we were married. A taxi driver once asked me and E how long we'd been a couple and was extremely surprised that we weren't.

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