Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Dream a little dream.

The weird dreams thing continues, mostly with the same kinda tone/feel to it - that of loss. And the dreams all seem to circulate around the loss of a relationship with someone rather than the loss of an object, for example.

The most memorable example was a sci-fi themed dream where a friend (who looked like my first ever crush, but had the non-physical attributes of a really old family friend), stole my ideas for teleportation and went off to work on them with someone else. There was no explanation as to why she'd done that, just that she did and effectively didn't speak to me again afterwards.

There was more to it than that, but that was the basic premise.

I always wake up feeling a little down as the dreams never really have any kind of conclusion or happy resolution. As usual, I'm sure there's a reason for the dream, but nothing obvious springs to mind.

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