She's getting stressed again with work, even though our circumstances have improved. I tried to reassure her, but she's headstrong. I suggested that we'd sit down on Monday and talk it through. I don't think she's blaming me for anything, but I think she's just getting overwhelmed with the amount of stuff she has to do. I'm hoping that a good planning session is what she needs. Break things down into smaller tasks and be able to tick these off. Seeing a list get smaller is both reassuring and motivating at the same time.
During the same conversation, she talked about how much money she spent last week at a wedding.
"I daren't look at my bank account" she laughed. "That's my entire going out budget blown probably!"
In isolation, that's nothing, but she has made several comments over the past month or so that I sometimes think are aimed at me and my desire to get her out to the pub some night, alone.
Over the past six weeks or so, she's said on separate occasions:
- Going out budget is blown
- She doesn't like coming into the city
- She can't drink alcohol anymore (due to hangovers)
She also has a birthday night out for her hubby to arrange, so there's also a case of availability and priority.
I'm hosting a night at mine, next week, that FP and KfW2 are coming to (as well as my sis), but I don't count that as a night out. KfW2 and I cover subjects alone that we don't cover in other company and I'd love to have one of those nights again.
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