Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Money, money, money?

KfW2 has just left my house. It was nice to have her (and her kids) round for a visit.

However, we were talking about work. Like a lot of things recently, we're both going through similar things at the moment. We both feel like our contributions aren't recognised. We both feel like we put in a lot of effort whilst others, both in our own team and other teams, do far less for more money. I personally feel that I bring more to the team than a lot, but I'm the lowest earner by some distance. It seems that what other people need to do to get that recognition is much less than what I do.

KfW2 was explaining that CC got a massive pay rise last year - nearly 10%. I'm not saying that CC isn't bad at her job, but she seems to attract promotions and pay rises. For me to earn what CC earns, I'd need a 50% pay rise. I'd need 20% to match KfW2 and 33% to match the top earner in the team (who does FAR less than I do).

It's not that I earn badly - I earn a decent wage - but it's the recognition that matters more. Pay rises etc. come as a result of the recognition.

KfW2 was also saying that she's spoken to our managers and told them that, in no uncertain terms, she wants off the team. I've already posted my feelings on KfW2's professional move, but I didn't realise how unhappy she was.

Roll all of that up, and it was a hugely deflating chat.

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