Monday, April 09, 2018

The "When Harry Met Sally" Question

The title of the thread on the forum was "Can men and women just be friends?"

I smiled to myself, because ironically, earlier today, I caught myself watching KfW2 walk out of the office. Admiring, if I am being honest. It does happen from time to time. That non-platonic thing has been there long before she became my friend. Since about 2005, I think. And let's not beat about the bush, if we're talking physical appearance, she's genuinely beautiful with a great figure.

But that's by the by. Those feelings don't surface that frequently. The question prompted me to think about my platonic female friends. I have quite a few, but I also have those where I've been attracted to them in some fashion - FBS, QC2, QC3 for example, that have been mentioned on the blog.

I thought that maybe I'd ended up falling for my female friends more than I had platonic ones, but I'm racking my brains trying to think and I'm struggling to come up with more. KfW2 and CH get loads of mentions on here, but the reality is that the attraction was there long before the friendship.

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