Saturday, April 21, 2018

A small work-related digest.

While my interaction with Quiet Girl hasn't really increased to anything meaningful, she's at least upgraded the walking past and blanking me to acknowledgement and a "Hi" with a smile. I get to see her amble off to the kitchen to make tea. She's very slim, but her choice of jeans and way of moving means that it's worth watching her walk by. I still think she's married (without having any hard evidence barring some jewellery on her ring finger - but she wears a lot of rings) so it's not like anything would happen. If she were single though, I think it's something I would consider, even with my "no work colleagues" rule and over the top privacy issues.

In other news, CC applied for, and was offered a new job... that she turned down. Anxiety got the better of her. CC is in a much worse place than I am regarding anxiety. She's already been off work extensively with anxiety/stress and is regularly (though not constantly) medicated because of it. KfW2 is concerned, but I think also a little angry at CC. It's a job that KfW2 herself would have liked, but didn't apply for because CC had. And speaking of KfW2 and jobs - the guy who interviewed her recently got in touch. It's unclear exactly why, but I might have already posted that some of KfW2's post-interview feedback is that they liked her and would like her to join their team, even if she didn't shine as much as others.

I don't know how that's going to work out - she'll still have to pass any interview (assuming process is followed) and she does feel interview pressure. As I've said before, if she does leave the team, I'll be gutted, both from a personal and a professional standpoint.

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Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...