Friday, May 26, 2017


A few weeks ago, KfW2 suggested that I visited hers tomorrow night for a BBQ. It's her hubby's friend's 40th. I may have mentioned him before - sometimes I'm not convinced that KfW2 likes him that much. The only time he ever goes to their house and KfW2 invites me down. I'm pretty ambivalent towards him, but he seems pretty immature.

She gave me a few days to think it over, but warned me that the deadline was the deadline. After that, it would be too late as plans would be made, groceries bought etc.

The deadline passed, I never gave an answer. I was too busy and stressed with work, but she did ask.

"I think I'll give it a miss," I said.

KfW2 seemed OK.

It was a combination of not knowing how the week was going to go, work-wise and simply being out of my comfort zone with regards to people. I knew all the people going - I'd met them at KfW2's wedding - and they're all really nice, but we have little in common. They're all settled with families etc.

Yesterday, as I was leaving work for a long weekend, I offered to do KfW2 some favours while she went to get her hair done for a wedding. Nothing big - just pick up a few things she needed to save her time. I thought I might have gotten her to stay out for an hour as well for a drink. The weather here was gorgeous.

She declined the offer, but I suggested I'd accompany her to the shops regardless as I didn't particularly want to go home and I had my own shopping to do. Then my brother-in-law phoned me and suggested a barbecue. Well... all bets are off when a BBQ is on the cards!

As I was on the bus home KfW2 sent a text.

"Why don't you want to come up this weekend?"

I kinda sensed an undercurrent to it, more than just nosiness. Was it anger? It would be unlike her, but my gut is saying there's something here. Disappointment, maybe? That's more likely. While the guests tomorrow are KfW2 and her hubby's friends, I think they're more his friends than hers.

Maybe she simply wanted one of her own friends to be there?

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...