Saturday, November 26, 2016

So near and yet so far.

I've often mentioned, or possibly complained, about how small the place is where I live. Co-incidences that seem to astound my friends who live elsewhere are part and parcel of my day. When it comes to six degrees of separation, where I live, that's drastically reduced down to possibly two, three tops.

CB and RB are two prime examples of this, as is S's recent but now ex-girlfriend (see this post). So, it's really not surprising when, for example, someone who's interested me on any of the online dating sites or apps pops up on my Facebook feed.

In a roundabout way, it was one of the girls I messaged about four weeks ago. She never messaged back, sadly.

It can be frustrating to have someone share mutual friends - CB is a prime example - and yet not really be able to leverage that.

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