Monday, November 07, 2016

Sigh. Part 2.

Another sleepless night in a bare, cold bedroom and I was awake at six thirty. Again. That's three days in a row.

My parents arrived on time and we set to work. There was a lot to do, but I had a plan that seemed to fill the time economically with little wasted effort. That's the kind of day that I needed - lots had to be crossed off and couldn't be put off.

My Dad asks what he's to do and I tell him. He disappears. Forty five minutes later, he arrives back in the room with lots of cut wood and proceeds to attach the skirting board to the walls. What I actually asked him to do was paint it so we  could attach it to the walls after all the painting and wallpapering had been done. It completely threw off the rest of the day.

It's this kind of thing that's meant that we won't be finished by the time the carpets are fitted tomorrow, nor will it be done to a particularly good standard, seeing as the past two days have been a rush job.

My sister called at lunchtime with advice about colour schemes. The paint was bought yesterday and half of it was already on the walls. My brother-in-law was due to call in to help me move my bed this evening. He's nowhere to be seen and it's unlikely he's going to call in at this time.

Again, I don't want to sound ungrateful that I've been getting help from my parents, especially the DIY stuff that I can't do or my Dad can do better, but the frustration at the difficulty in getting anyone to do me a favour hasn't gone away since yesterday.

Roll on tomorrow though, when all this is done. Well, apart from the bit where I need to move all my furniture back into its respective rooms.

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