Wednesday, November 16, 2016

No news is bad news.

The heating saga continues as the heating engineer seems to think everything is working and the problems are easily solvable by me. This is not the case and I've gone through a couple of potential solutions from the internet to solve the supposed problem - an airlock in the system.

I'm also a bit angry and stressed because of the work thing. I'm getting more and more information to suggest that rewards at work are being given out subjectively rather than objectively. The company promises that the system is objective, but if you step back and look at the system, it can't possibly be.

For example, if one of my goals for the year is "Be kind", how can you possibly measure that? How can I say that I have been kinder than anyone else on my team? How do you challenge that, when the supposed results are secret?

Boss: "Derek was kinder than you, Fred."
Ruuude: "Not from where I'm sitting. Derek did very little in the kindness stakes and kept himself to himself. Here's a list of examples where I can prove I did it."
Boss: "Well, that's the results."
Ruuude: "Show your working out."
Boss: "I can't. It's confidential."

I mean, how are you meant to query that? No matter what logic or evidence you supply, you run up against a brick wall. That's what gotten me angry. I know that other people have received good feedback from managers etc. but nothing better than mine. Yet the impression that I'm getting from my manager is that I will score poorer in comparison yet again this year.

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