Sunday, November 06, 2016


Part of the reason that I'm still decorating rather than being finished weeks ago a I'd hoped is the fact that I've been relying on help from my Dad and my sister. My Dad for actually helping out with decorating and my sister for advice on colour schemes and all the design-y things.

But it feels likes I have to drag everything out of both of them. I know this might sound a little ungrateful, but when people ask me for a favour, if it's something I can help out with, then I'll do it.

So, rather than help out where I need it, my Dad goes off and does his own thing. I ask him to paint some woodwork and he'll strip wallpaper instead. My plans are then in need of readjustment because I come home from work expecting to be able to do one thing, only to have to do something else.

The same goes with my sister. I ask her for advice and she simply never replies to text messages. I'm capable of making my own decisions, so in reality, I'm only really looking for a sanity check, but it's annoying that her expectations of me are never mirrored in the same circumstances.

Today, I was meant to have a real go at getting a lot of painting done with my Dad. Except my Mum and Dad are away to my sis's for Sunday dinner. I was invited as well, but I've been painting all afternoon.

I feel guilty typing this out, but at the same time I'm on a deadline. Tuesday, in fact.

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