Sunday, November 03, 2013

An upturn.

I was having coffee recently with KfW2 when she told me that she had someone with whom  she wanted to set me up. I quickly moved to tell her that I didn't do blind dates (she kinda knew that already) and the best way to get me on board with this kind of thing is to simply never tell me. By all means bring friends out socially and if they're single and we hit it off, then great, otherwise, no-one ever knows.

It's the kinda thing I was hoping would happen had there been a positive outcome with CB through MFF, though obviously I would be completely clued-in as to why CB was out socially.

Then, after apologising for blowing me off at the very last minute a few nights ago, CH hinted that the next time we were all out, she would bring a friend. Per advice from USHW, I shall have to have the same conversation with CH as I had with KfW2 above. It's a massive assumption that this friend of CH's is being brought along for my benefit, but I was planning on having a dating conversation with CH in the near future anyway and recent developments have probably brought that forward a little, by a week or so.

While KfW2 seemed agreeable to my point of view, I had this same conversation with QC1 a few years ago when she had this girl she wanted me to meet. She seemed awfully insistent that it had to be a blind date though rather than a more casual meeting.

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Giveth and taketh.

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