Thursday, November 21, 2013

And so it begins...

Party season is almost upon us and my social life is starting to ramp up again, having been a little quiet over the past few months. That's not a complaint - just a statement. Having some quiet weekends recharges the batteries and I had been hitting it quite hard towards the end of the summer.

But here's what's tentatively planned over the next two weeks, just as an example:

Drinks with FP
A lunch date with KfW2
Drinks with KfW2, GM, GB, CH and probably many more
A friend's leaving do
Possibly a wedding (unlikely though)
Our work's monthly event

And that's only until the start of December when there'll be other nights out including a potential repeat of this night as CH is due to be in my home town again, a night out with FBS and that crowd of friends plus at least three other nights I can think of.

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Giveth and taketh.

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