Sunday, November 03, 2013

An upturn - some further thoughts.

I suppose I should add a little more to my previous post. The insecure part of me is really chuffed to bits by KfW2's claim that she has someone for me. I've always wanted my friends to introduce me to new people and, as I have touched upon before, I am surprised that it hasn't happened more (if it has happened at all). I know that I've met other people through friends (see this post), but I don't know that any setups have gone on. The only time I've actually asked for anything to be engineered, during my dating life, is CB through GB/MFF.

At the same time, I know that it has become increasingly rare over the past few years that I am really attracted to someone. Any regular readers will know that the only two of any real note have been RB and CB and CB barely counts as she's someone I've seen a few times in the pub but not spoken to. Date No. 1 had potential, but seeing as that only lasted 1 night, it didn't get a chance to go anywhere. Some might argue that my feelings towards KfW2 and CH aren't entirely platonic (certainly with CH it's very lustful), but can you count them?

Maybe that's my issue. Maybe I'm looking for that initial hit of attraction/chemistry/lust and concentrate more on that than, say, a slow burner where attraction is built up over repeated meetings and contact.

Most of the people I've ended up dating have been the more immediate attraction type... I'm trying hard to think of any slow burners who have had a big impact. FA2, I think, is the only one that amounted to anything as we met through BW and he used to bring FA2 out regularly. There was a friend of AM and QC1's that I suddenly found myself attracted to, but she ended up dating a guy before I did anything about it.

Regardless, with me being picky when it comes to women, I like to downplay things, which is why I've got this idea that if I meet people in a group setting rather than a one-on-one date setting that things would tend to work out better.

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