Tuesday, September 17, 2013


After much to-ing and fro-ing (and some might say teasing), I finally got CH to confess about the so-called rumour that she'd heard about myself and GB. She says that it was all her, no-one else was involved and she did it for a laugh just to wind me up (which succeeded to a certain extent).

I had asked KfW2 if she knew anything about it (I've mentioned before about my intrigue that neither CH or KfW2 have ever asked about MFF/CB), but she had said that she hadn't spoken to CH in a while.

Do I believe her? Well, it is plausible. She is quite mischievous in that way so it is very like something that she would do.  However, if the rumour's source wasn't GB herself as I thought it might have been (or at least had the so-called rumour had some truth in it), it would have explained a lot. With it supposedly being a complete fabrication,  it still leaves major questions hanging over GB's utter uselessness in engaging MFF regarding CB and any definitive outcome.

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