Sunday, September 08, 2013

Here we go again.

On Friday night, NSU was asking me if I was in a relationship. I said that I wasn't and mentioned something in passing about having been single for a while. NSU got the bit between her teeth and started talking about getting me to do online dating and how she could create a brilliant profile. My statements about being reasonably happy single fell on deaf ears (another warning sign about NSU) and she continued to go on about online dating for probably a full twenty minutes. To shut her up, I might have embellished the truth a little and exaggerated a little on how much dating I've done - I said that I was happy meeting people but felt under no obligation to do so just because society says so.

"What happens if you get to seventy and you still haven't found someone?" she asked.

"Then I'll have had a good life" was my reply.

But it rammed home again the fact that I'm currently unhappy being single. I've admitted as much to KfW2 and USHW, but I'm not getting into personal things with someone I've only spoken to a few times and someone who has already shown that they won't listen.

On top of the realisation that it's not been a great year, this is stronger than ever and it's something I am going to have to address. USHW will no doubt remind me about speed dating (which I haven't ruled out or tried yet, I just need someone to go along with) and now that GM's back on the market after a failed reconciliation with an ex of his, maybe we can do something about it, socially speaking

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