Sunday, September 29, 2013

And around we go... again.

I was hoping to have a conversation with KfW2 last week on our semi-impromptu night out, but she invited along a friend of hers, so the twenty minutes of "privacy" that I thought we were going to have never happened. While the conversation itself did veer around to dating briefly and online dating, we didn't stay on it long enough for me to ask my questions about GB and the whole CB/MFF thing.

Having had a long conversation with USHW yesterday, we have formulated a half plan about bringing this up in conversation. I'm still useless at bringing up things in conversation that I want to talk about and I'm struggling to figure out why this is the case with KfW2. I have no issues with USHW, though she's probably the only one that I feel completely comfortable talking to and she's been very supportive and non-judgemental over the whole CB thing this year (thanks USHW).

I don't know whether I am going to go through with the conversation though. Part of me thinks that there's no way I should still be thinking about CB this much, though the lack of closure is always an issue to me. When you factor in CH's recent "rumours" and GB's own uselessness, there are potentially questions to be asked, the answers to which could lead to something being made public that I don't want to hear.
  • Why did it take GB two months to ask MFF about CB?
  • Why have CH and KfW2 not been more inquisitive about the outcome, knowing how keen I was for this to happen at the start of the year?
  • Is there something that's being hidden from me regarding that?
  • If so, why and what is it?
So, I have to decide if my embarrassment (I'm not sure if that's the right word here but it will do) at still thinking about CB is going to override my frustration at not knowing what went on and getting the answers to the questions I have and, hopefully, just closing that off completely.

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After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...