Friday, September 13, 2013

And just one more thing...

It was only about six weeks ago that CH was promising me that she'd spend the latter half of the year finding me a woman (though not CB for some strange reason, even though she has the contacts to get me information, what with CH being a close friend of MFF).

Now, I'm in a situation where I'm wondering (after a comment by USHW) if her contact a few nights ago was about getting together for sex (if it wasn't she seemed to be having an awful lot of trouble making a decision over nothing) and subsequently if she's still going to follow up on her "promise". Or, now that I think of it, was her "promise" actually a thinly veiled suggestion about herself? I doubt it though - anything with CH will be a one off or extremely irregular if it actually happened.

I'd like to find someone on my own, but I like the thought that my friends think enough of me that they would keep me in mind if a suitable eligible single female came along. I know that I was pleased when KfW2 was talking to me about it. I'd be even more pleased if they actually did something about it though.

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