Monday, September 09, 2013


I was swapping text messages with CH earlier this evening, teasing her about getting drunk at a friend's party. Nothing more or less than my normal teasing, but I demanded that she made more of an effort to get drunk.

Suddenly, the conversation took a very strange turn when CH timidly kinda asked if we should meet up. I sent a few more messages and made a bit of an innuendo to which she responded extremely favourably.

Also, USHW was on hand to supply a female perspective, though somewhat unusually, I was actually on the ball with this one. We both agreed that it looked like CH was at least considering something beyond a drink and I've explained on here the flirting we've done in the past and the undoubted chemistry. I had mentioned to USHW that I didn't know what to do... that I'd happily meet her for a drink, but I don't know what would happen if anything else happened. It's a crisis of conscience that I've had a few times, but I was having this quite unnecessarily because CH had yet to suggest meeting up and I wasn't asking her to leave her party. I think that's my bloke etiquette at work.

We swapped a few more messages before she asked outright if we should meet. I responded positively after encouragement from USHW and asked for a venue. After all, CH is good company, we spark off each other really well and I am attracted to her, in a lust kind of way. Also, I was bored and am looking for anything to do to get me out of the house during the week. This conversation we were having was different to anything we've had before, so I was intrigued by what she actually wanted and if it was anything more than her wanting away from the party for half an hour (which was what she had admitted).

After I agreed to meet her for a drink, it all went quiet. I prompted her for a response and she said she'd be in contact soon. It was fully an hour and a half after she made the initial suggestion before she was in contact gain... this time voicing concerns. She's always had reservations about, well, something. Ages ago, shortly after we met, she'd made comments about my friendship and closeness with KfW2 (I assumed it's an issue with a single man having a close friendship with a woman in a relationship), so even without there being any shenanigans on the cards, this may well have been an issue for her.

Personally, this is not an issue to me - I have plenty of female friends who I often meet up with - QC2 and KfW2 are probably the two most talked about here, though admittedly there's never usually an undercurrent of sexual tension. She continued to voice reservations until I forced the issue and demanded she just name somewhere.

That's when she decided to go home and I got angry. I didn't get angry because she went home... I got angry because I've been sitting here for over two hours expecting to nip out for a quick drink with someone who's good company... it's the two hours. If she'd suggested meeting then changed her mind quickly, that's fine - at least I'm not left hanging for the most part of an evening.

Now I'm sitting here annoyed, in the mood for a beer, somewhat horny and frustrated.

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