Friday, February 08, 2013


...not twenty minutes ago, UF puts a wash on. It's fucking quarter past midnight FFS! I'm not starting anything now, but I have gone into the utility room and turned the washing machine off. The fucking useless twat can restart it in the morning as he leaves for work... which is what he should have fucking done in the first place.

Also, the bin in the kitchen has been full since probably Monday (I've not been in the house much) and I'll probably have to empty it when I return from work tomorrow because no-one else will.

This is really starting to take the piss now.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Go you! I'd have turned it off too. There are some acceptable reasons to be kept awake at night, but people doing laundry is not one of them...

Giveth and taketh.

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