Wednesday, February 20, 2013

(Back to) Square One?

CB and MFF came up in conversation today with GB so I asked if there had been any movement with any enquiries. The last I'd heard (about four weeks ago) was that MFF was going to contact CB's sister to see what the best approach would be. Now that alone is vague in my opinion, especially given that I was initially only looking for information, but if MFF was going to take things further, I definitely wasn't going to argue. However, GB hadn't heard anything and contacted MFF who herself hadn't heard anything from CB's sister.

There's a certain amount of frustration there - I had fully expected that, by now, I'd have a definitive answer one way or another. Either she was interested in meeting or she wasn't. I wasn't expecting yet more limbo. I guess that maybe speaks for itself. I've gone from being cautiously optimistic to being pretty disappointed. USHW has suggested not ruling anything out just yet. GB's party is in 48 hours time and I'll get a chance to talk to MFF directly and see if there are any developments.

Ironically, if I'd not mentioned CB to GB and had decided to contact MFF directly, then GB's party is probably the first opportunity I would have had to do it face to face (and I much prefer doing these things that way than by email or instant messaging). Despite not knowing MFF that well, I would have had no qualms about going to her directly regarding CB, but GB seemed so excited and I had thought, at the time, that things might have moved quicker with GB asking the questions. That, in hindsight, was probably the wrong choice.

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