Wednesday, February 27, 2013


While chatting with USHW, she mentioned that I'd been quiet recently and I admitted to being somewhat in a bit of a funk. USHW enquired if it was related to the whole CB thing. I guess that's part of it... possibly the main part of it, but there are other things going on at the moment too and it's all just kinda happened at once. She asked if I wanted to talk about it, but there's nothing that's inherently solvable per se... just a lot of stuff that needs time to sort itself out.

First of all, I have a discussion lined up in work about a pay rise, though the logic in my "argument" for the pay raise is sound, I'm not that confident of getting it, even though I'm only asking for the current market rate based on my own recent research. I'm expecting that to be sorted within ten days at most.

There's a managerial change in work that's not looking too promising so far - while the new guy has not done anything "managerial" so far, he's yet to engage with the team... and we're all raising concerns with each other about it. The managerial situation before was brilliant - lots of flexibility and trust and we were able to deliver high quality work, but be confident that he would look after us if things got political (which they did from time to time).

The CB stuff is annoying and disappointing in equal measures - as I've previously said, I wasn't expecting a positive outcome - it was an outside chance at best (though not improbable), but I had expected a definitive answer either way... and I hadn't expected a non-answer to take this long. I'd expected too much from GB in being pro-active from my point of view. I dunno... I just expected friends in general to be more excited about potentially getting two people together - that's not just GB, but CB's friends/sister(s) too.

The neck injury is also a factor - it's kept me from the gym just as I was starting to get into the rhythm and enjoy it, purely from a safety concern. Now that my GP has given me the all clear, I'll start back up at the weekend again, but it's yet another physical setback that I didn't want/need, especially with the 10k run being 6 weeks away.

At least two of things should be sorted by next week, the managerial thing will be ongoing, probably for a couple of months and I think the CB thing is pretty done and dusted from my perspective (though USHW thinks I should go direct to MFF and get an update from her directly). I dunno about that and will ponder it over the next day or so.

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