Saturday, February 23, 2013


Perhaps inevitably, given how much I was counting on it, MFF didn't turn up to GB's party last night. I didn't get anything from GB about why, but I think I overheard someone say to CH that MFF's husband didn't get home from work until late, meaning that she was unable to attend.

I had hoped to have a chat with her about CB (and maybe by having a conversation directly with her, it might give her some impetus  in being more pro-active).

That's not to say that I didn't have a good time - I had a great time and it was really good fun, but today I've been feeling slightly deflated at not being able to move the CB thing along. Now I have to go back and start pestering GB again... I've no idea when I'm next going to be speaking to MFF in a social setting.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...