Saturday, February 02, 2013

Grumpy drawers.

The night out with GM and the rest went ahead as planned. CH wasn't able to make it, but that was expected. My gut feeling about something being set up behind the scenes with regards to CB was unsurprisingly well off the mark, but I'd kinda figured that out when I saw that our mutual Facebook friend wasn't on the list for the work thing. The only other noteworthy incident was spotting a girl I chatted up during the summer - she kept looking over at me as if she recognised me but couldn't place my face - but as I was starting to get really drunk and not in a great mood, I went home around midnight.

While the night was fun at times, I wasn't in brilliant form and got a bit tetchy with GB and one of S's friends. I think that might have been partly because CH wasn't able to show up - she was missed.

It also seems like ages since GB and the Mutual Facebook Friend had their chat about CB, but it's only been a week. However, I'd like to think that some information is going to come my way really soon. If not, I'll maybe have to have another word with GB probably before the end of the week.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...