Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wait, what?

Ever have one of those memories where you can't remember if it's real, or if it was a dream or if it is true, but you were drunk at the time?

I guess it stems from my dream last night, and having E on my mind. There are tenuous ties between S and E, that I think I've blogged about before.

Anyway, the maybe-memory that has provoked this post came about at lunchtime when, randomly, a confession from GM popped into my head. The admission was that he'd slept with a friend of S's. A friend that S had a massive crush on until recently (and still might actually have). While GM does have a way with the ladies, there are reasons that this is surprising, but I'm not going into them today.

S has never admitted (to The Crowd) that he was romantically interested in his friend, but he has to E who he randomly chatted to in the pub one night (hence the tenuous link), who shared the news to me, who (eventually) shared the news to GM.

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