Tuesday, February 08, 2022


Last night, I dreamt of Sports Girl. Specifically, the period between her admission that she "liked me" and my moving into my current place.

In real life, what happened was that I spent an awful lot of time chatting with USHW about whether I could get a FwB thing going with SG, plus trying to see if she was open to such a thing.

In my dream, what happened was that we kissed after her admission, then spent two months trying to get some privacy to seal the deal, as it were.

This was an issue in real life, too. I was living with family with no privacy (certainly not enough to bring a girl back for sex) and she had kids living with her. So, my goal was to try to see if she was interested, then make a move/suggest FwB once I'd moved into my own place.

The reality was that I simply couldn't get a handle on her. IIRC, she seemed interested when we were chatting, but as soon as I suggested something where we'd spend time alone, she'd immediately back off.

So I awoke this morning, completely frustrated, but it wasn't SG who was on my mind after the dream, but CAB. We had also shared privacy issues when dating and finding it impossible to seal the deal, which was a big factor in our breaking up.

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