Sunday, February 27, 2022

Just F things.

This time, in 2005, I was approaching the end of the weekend when F came to visit. A weekend of alcohol, bitching about K, F's bit on the side and generally just having a laugh. Plenty of people, K included, thought we were having an affair, that I was another bit on the side, but despite not really nailing down my own feelings towards her and the fact she had been quite promiscuous with other people from our mutual online hobby, we were platonic.

If I had to equate our friendship to anything or anyone else, it reminded me of me and CH, though I know I definitely was attracted to CH and I'm as sure as I can be that she was into me, too. But F & I and CH & I were tactile with each other, a lot more than I have been with most of my other female friends. The difference was that CH was skirting boundaries. I don't recall F grabbing my ass, for example.

She did offer to let me share her bed when she was visiting, but I went home at the end of each night, having made sure she got back to her hotel.

So, yeah, about 7PM, 17 years ago, F departed for the airport, tipsy, tired and, as she would go on to tell me for weeks afterwards, she had a really good time over the three days she was here.

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