Friday, February 18, 2022

Schrödinger's Weekend

I've spent all week looking forward to going out tonight with The Crowd, and tomorrow night with KfW2. I chased up KfW2 as she hadn't replied to my text invitation. She said that she'd love to go out, but needed to confirm with her husband that they had no plans. Unsurprisingly, I've not heard back from her. Sigh.

And then to compound my frustration, GM suggested that he might cancel his proposed gathering tonight due to Covid concerns. Namely that he's due to go on holiday in a few weeks' time and wants to reduce the risk of exposure until then. Now why he couldn't have considered that last weekend when he first suggested we meet for drinks is another matter.

He's still mulling it over. He does want to go out, but his logical side is wanting him to stay at home.

As usual, it's the lack of knowing that's annoying me more than whatever the decision will be.

I'm not particularly inclined to chase up KfW2 again - more due to a reluctance to leave the house rather than anger/stubbornness directed towards KfW2, but I kinda feel like I should chase her up if GM cancels. Losing one night is a minor inconvenience, losing both would be properly annoying.

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