Monday, February 28, 2022

Splendid isolation.

Since I joined a new team and department at the start of the year, I've found myself doing a lot of the things that, IMO, my manager should have been doing. Additionally, my co-workers have been very standoff-ish, if you can be standoff-ish when you're remotely working. This has fed into my feeling of isolation that's been lurking over the Winter months.

But my expectations would be that my manager would have a "new guy" plan, for training, learning the new processes, getting to know my team-mates. Somehow, though, this is all on me and doesn't already exist.

KfW2 is surprised at how hands-off my manager is but, as she explained, "you're really good at this, make this your own". And she's right. Despite being shy and introverted, I am hugely inclusive. Writing training documentation and sharing knowledge and information is something that I excel at, and in my last role, I was brilliant at bringing new team members on and getting them integrated.

But I kinda feel, almost, that this is going to be pulled out from under me, that my new manager will all-of-a-sudden say that I am not learning things fast enough, that I should be more advanced etc. It's probably baseless, she's seemed OK so far when we have interacted, but by the same token, I should have had a meeting with her, to talk about my year-end scores and any potential pay rise and bonus.

In theory, managers have until the end of February to do the meetings, but my pay slip will be sent, via email, in about an hour. So it's entirely possible that even if I do have this meeting, that I will already know the numbers, but given my experiences so far, I'm not ruling out not having the meeting at all.

That'll be concerning, and something I can raise at my fortnightly checkpoint, which is on Thursday.

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