Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Missing the point.

I had a dream last night where I left KfW2 at a bar and walked home while she waited for her hubby to pick her up. On the way home, I met E, who had returned home permanently, and we embarked on an adventure, of sorts. It's difficult to describe, but we were kind of watching a film, but taking part in it at the same time. Almost like a VR kind of thing, though without the headset. It was a Marvel film, with Thor, though also had classical animation in it as well. Like a Marvel-esque "Who framed Roger Rabbit". Regardless, the details of what happened within the adventure/interactive movie are vague, but what wasn't vague was waking this morning and having a feeling of desperately missing E.

I've tried a few times to get her for a video call or some description, but in reality, like a lot of things at the moment, I keep forgetting about it. I think it's part of the ongoing mental health issues. I have a TON of stuff in my "to do" list that I continually forget about (including phoning the people that I was recommended about said mental health issues).

And as for E, I'd love to see her again.

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