Sunday, March 22, 2020

Ring, ring.

CC called.

Would I like to go for a walk, outdoors?

Even as someone who usually spends a lot of time alone and am somewhat used to isolation, I've got cabin fever, so a trip outside would be brilliant.

It was a nice, sunny though chilly day out, so we went to a local park, grabbed a coffee, had a chat then did a few laps of the park before returning to the coffee shop and sitting for a bit and coming home. I was only out of the house for 90 minutes, but that's all I've been out of the house in the past nine days.

CC is still not well. There are physical problems, stomach-related, as well as her ongoing mental health issues. And KfW2 was right, CC has lost a lot of weight.

The important thing is that at least CC is now leaving the house and talking to people. I've had an open offer out to her for months, but this is the first time she's taken me up on it. Hopefully, she'll call more often and we can do coffee or go for a walk - the only thing s we really can do during the COVID-19 situation.

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