Thursday, March 12, 2020

Gin O'Clock

There's been a lot of talk about gin on my Facebook feed with KfW2 and others due to a picture I shared... an old picture from my last night out with KfW2 that I posted about a few days ago.

It reminded me of a night out that I had with FBS many years ago. We were due to have a big night out with BW, FBS and a few other people, all arranged last minute. Then BW called to say that he couldn't make it. And when I turned up to the bar, only FBS was there.

She explained that another of our mutual friends had cancelled on her.

I smelt a rat. Regardless, FBS and I had a decent evening and I introduced her to the delights of gin and tonic. We got drunk, danced a bit, watched the band and went back to hers, whereupon she showed me a photo album of her in her younger days and gave me a bit of an insight into her life.

I stayed over, but when I got home the next day, BW was instantly on the phone wondering what happened between us. I gave away little.

Unsurprisingly, BW admitted that he and the others had gone elsewhere and it had been a ploy to get me and FBS out alone. We'd already slept together at that point, so this wasn't anything new to us, though only a couple of people knew or suspected. This was the beginning of the end though, when I started to suspect that FBS was holding out for more than just FwB.

However, I don't think this had been FBS's idea, this was a mis-guided attempt by friends to get us together.

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