A while ago, I shut down my previous account on Reddit and started a new one. The previous one wasn't particularly active, but it was a username I've used elsewhere on the internet and I made some personal posts that potentially could have been used to identify me. It was probably nothing (though I do have days when I am convinced KfW2 knows of this blog), but in order to play safe, I started a new one.
Reddit accounts have karma points - if you say something funny, intelligent etc. you get positive karma and if you say something offensive etc. you get karma taken away. My previous account, despite being years old, only ever had a couple of hundred points of karma on it.
A few days ago, I made a post on a thread asking a question. I replied, not in any kind of detail - a few sentences at most and went off for lunch. When I cam back, I thought something was wrong. My Reddit score was off - it had increased by a hundred points, tripling what it had been an hour earlier. As the afternoon wore on, the score just kept rising. Apparently the original question had gained some traction and was being widely read, and as such, my own reply was popular in its own right. There were lots of comments, nice comments, being left as replies.
When I woke up this morning, the activity seemed to have died down, but my score now sits at 3.5K karma points. And well over 90% of that was from yesterday alone.
It's strangely satisfying seeing the points rack up. It tells you that what you have said strikes a chord with people, but the comments were better, albeit fewer in number.
Edit: the score has risen to 5000 points!
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
What a tangled web we weave.
Yesterday, something triggered a quite powerful memory of a weekend I spent in Glasgow roughly fifteen years ago. It was a gathering of a group of people from the online hobby that I was involved in at the time.
The personal highlight was meeting F for the first time. We'd swapped messages and emails and had hit it off, so we were both looking forward to meeting in person.
And we had a brilliant weekend. We did hit it off in person, just as much as we had done online, if not more. We probably would have been inseparable all weekend, if it had not been for two small problems: F's bit-on-the-side, and K.
F and her bit-on-the-side had arrived in town a full 24 hours prior to anyone else, so had plenty of time to do whatever it is that people do. When everyone else had arrived on the Friday, we adjourned to a bar where F and I managed to find ourselves sat beside each other, and began to chat. Accidentally, we kinda shut ourselves off from everyone else.
A while later, maybe an hour or so, F's bit on the side disappeared in a bad mood. One of the other girls followed him out to see if he was OK. She returned shortly and spoke to F. He was in a bad way. Crying. Apparently I was "hogging" F and he wasn't happy about it. Apparently he'd been firing dirty looks my way for ages, but I was so engrossed in convo with F that neither of us had noticed. F sighed and got up to leave.
"Where you going?"
"To see the BotS"
"Fuck him. He's just being childish, clingy and immature. There are plenty of people here he can talk to."
"No, I have to go." She sighed. "You are right, though."
F's bit-on-the-side was always a weird sort. He'd set up a website to support the community side of the online hobby, but then never wanted to do anything with it - to evolve it or let it be something more. USHW would sometimes voice her frustrations at his inability to do anything or make decisions. What I didn't know at the time was that the rumour mill had been in full flow and there had been talk that F and I were having an affair, which was laughable as we'd never even met. This had fed the BotS's paranoia and also K's.
F walked off. I looked around the table. K was furious. Oh dear.
A few months prior to this weekend, K and some other hobbyists were in my hometown. I got dragged out to see them, somewhat against my wishes, and I ended up having sex with K at the end of the night. K had driven this - she had jumped me for a snog, she was the one who put sex on the table and at no time prior to this had she shown any sign of any kind of attraction.
What I didn't really realise was that she was trying to get in with a couple of females that I was publicly friendly with in the hobby circle - F, R and another girl. R herself is private, so K suddenly appearing in her inbox being friendly scared her off. I knew nothing of the K and F thing for a while until F confessed to me one day. K had admitted to F that we'd had sex, though I'd said nothing and F had been trying to coax a confession out of me to no avail.
So... K was furious that I'd been talking to F (and presumably ignoring her). If I am being honest, I did have half a mind on seeing if I could bed K that weekend. She was still talking (behind my back) about relationships though. She was telling F that I wanted to be with her, but wasn't going to commit. I was telling F that I'd have sex with K again, but she really wasn't my type for a relationship and it would need to be casual.
F eventually talked BotS round and he returned, eyes puffy and red. I spent the entire weekend taking the piss out of him (much to F's delight) and avoiding being left alone with K.
On the last day, F asked if I would go and speak to K (I later found out this was actually K's request and F was just the messenger). She was in her room. I knocked, she answered, and invited me in.
She started the whole relationship talk again. I told her that it was completely out of the question and I didn't know where she was getting the idea from that this was something I was considering or would consider. Obviously, this wasn't said as bluntly as reported above, but I probably should have. Bear in mind that I'd deliberately distanced myself from K at this weekend, barely talking to her, never mind trying anything sexual.
I left, went back to the hotel lobby, collected my bag, gave F a quick update and a hug and left. I winked at BotS too, just for kicks. The journey home was uneventful. A few days later, F was in touch. Apparently, after I'd left, K had come down and chatted to F.
She'd shared that we'd spoken, told F what I'd said and then followed that with "I don't believe him. He does want a relationship with me, he's just scared of commitment."
I believe at that point F told K to "seriously get a grip" and that she was being "delusional" and suggested if I'd been interested, I'd have tried something that weekend. While I wasn't against the idea of sleeping with K again, I wasn't prepared to feed her delusions or lead her on just for sex. Though, it would have ticked a Bucket List item, had we screwed.
K never mentioned a relationship ever again... but that was mainly down to me keeping my distance from her, I think. But she did blame me for our friendship falling apart, about 18 months later.
The personal highlight was meeting F for the first time. We'd swapped messages and emails and had hit it off, so we were both looking forward to meeting in person.
And we had a brilliant weekend. We did hit it off in person, just as much as we had done online, if not more. We probably would have been inseparable all weekend, if it had not been for two small problems: F's bit-on-the-side, and K.
F and her bit-on-the-side had arrived in town a full 24 hours prior to anyone else, so had plenty of time to do whatever it is that people do. When everyone else had arrived on the Friday, we adjourned to a bar where F and I managed to find ourselves sat beside each other, and began to chat. Accidentally, we kinda shut ourselves off from everyone else.
A while later, maybe an hour or so, F's bit on the side disappeared in a bad mood. One of the other girls followed him out to see if he was OK. She returned shortly and spoke to F. He was in a bad way. Crying. Apparently I was "hogging" F and he wasn't happy about it. Apparently he'd been firing dirty looks my way for ages, but I was so engrossed in convo with F that neither of us had noticed. F sighed and got up to leave.
"Where you going?"
"To see the BotS"
"Fuck him. He's just being childish, clingy and immature. There are plenty of people here he can talk to."
"No, I have to go." She sighed. "You are right, though."
F's bit-on-the-side was always a weird sort. He'd set up a website to support the community side of the online hobby, but then never wanted to do anything with it - to evolve it or let it be something more. USHW would sometimes voice her frustrations at his inability to do anything or make decisions. What I didn't know at the time was that the rumour mill had been in full flow and there had been talk that F and I were having an affair, which was laughable as we'd never even met. This had fed the BotS's paranoia and also K's.
F walked off. I looked around the table. K was furious. Oh dear.
A few months prior to this weekend, K and some other hobbyists were in my hometown. I got dragged out to see them, somewhat against my wishes, and I ended up having sex with K at the end of the night. K had driven this - she had jumped me for a snog, she was the one who put sex on the table and at no time prior to this had she shown any sign of any kind of attraction.
A few days later, she started talking about relationships... I was refusing to get involved, for all manner of reasons. She simply wasn't someone I saw as girlfriend material. She was too serious, for starters, with little self-awareness. There was distance to consider, as well. I wasn't even lying to her when I said this. Strangely, she tried arguing these points as if it was something logical that she could turn around. This was a shame. We had actually been friends to this point. If she'd suggested some kind of FwB arrangement or hadn't been so full on with the "we should start a relationship" nonsense, we might have slept together again. Or maybe that's something we should have done prior to her going 100 mph for a relationship.
What I didn't really realise was that she was trying to get in with a couple of females that I was publicly friendly with in the hobby circle - F, R and another girl. R herself is private, so K suddenly appearing in her inbox being friendly scared her off. I knew nothing of the K and F thing for a while until F confessed to me one day. K had admitted to F that we'd had sex, though I'd said nothing and F had been trying to coax a confession out of me to no avail.
So... K was furious that I'd been talking to F (and presumably ignoring her). If I am being honest, I did have half a mind on seeing if I could bed K that weekend. She was still talking (behind my back) about relationships though. She was telling F that I wanted to be with her, but wasn't going to commit. I was telling F that I'd have sex with K again, but she really wasn't my type for a relationship and it would need to be casual.
F eventually talked BotS round and he returned, eyes puffy and red. I spent the entire weekend taking the piss out of him (much to F's delight) and avoiding being left alone with K.
On the last day, F asked if I would go and speak to K (I later found out this was actually K's request and F was just the messenger). She was in her room. I knocked, she answered, and invited me in.
She started the whole relationship talk again. I told her that it was completely out of the question and I didn't know where she was getting the idea from that this was something I was considering or would consider. Obviously, this wasn't said as bluntly as reported above, but I probably should have. Bear in mind that I'd deliberately distanced myself from K at this weekend, barely talking to her, never mind trying anything sexual.
I left, went back to the hotel lobby, collected my bag, gave F a quick update and a hug and left. I winked at BotS too, just for kicks. The journey home was uneventful. A few days later, F was in touch. Apparently, after I'd left, K had come down and chatted to F.
She'd shared that we'd spoken, told F what I'd said and then followed that with "I don't believe him. He does want a relationship with me, he's just scared of commitment."
I believe at that point F told K to "seriously get a grip" and that she was being "delusional" and suggested if I'd been interested, I'd have tried something that weekend. While I wasn't against the idea of sleeping with K again, I wasn't prepared to feed her delusions or lead her on just for sex. Though, it would have ticked a Bucket List item, had we screwed.
K never mentioned a relationship ever again... but that was mainly down to me keeping my distance from her, I think. But she did blame me for our friendship falling apart, about 18 months later.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
With the past few days being political box office both here in the UK and across the pond in the States, I've been paying close attention to the various news outlets. Productivity in work has been down. Oops.
However, the recent allegations against Boris Johnson with regards to Jennifer Arcuri have "forced" news outlets to post pictures of the ex-model. In some of them, there's a sense of deja vu. I want to say that, at certain angles, there's a resemblance to RB... and there kinda is... but I'm not sure that's who's sparking the undefined memory. Maybe someone famous?
However, the recent allegations against Boris Johnson with regards to Jennifer Arcuri have "forced" news outlets to post pictures of the ex-model. In some of them, there's a sense of deja vu. I want to say that, at certain angles, there's a resemblance to RB... and there kinda is... but I'm not sure that's who's sparking the undefined memory. Maybe someone famous?
Sunday, September 22, 2019
There were two semi-remembered dreams from last night. The first was more of a memory, while the latter was one of those random ones.
The first was when I was living abroad. I was in my local pub, having a drink and chatting to the barman, who I'd quickly befriended. In fact, I was friends with all of the bar staff actually. That wasn't difficult, there were only three. As I was the only customer in the bar, I had the choice of music. The barman on duty had created a dozen or so playlists that he was able to put on that would last a good few hours. I selected one that had a lot of soul and funk in it. I was in that kind of mood. A while later, the bar started to fill.
A woman arrived in and, while standing at the bar waiting to get served, asked for a change in music.
"Put on a different playlist," she demanded. "Number Seven is the best!"
Playlist Seven was really not my cup of tea and, in all honesty, I was sick of hearing it. The barman turned to look at me. He knew my thoughts on PL7.
"Nooooo! Stick with this one," was my retort. "It's better! We can change to something different when it ends."
The woman turned to look at me. She would have been slightly older than I was at the time. Or she was a decade older and looked after herself. I couldn't tell. She was attractive though.
"Sounds like someone needs to get laid. Chill out!"
I hadn't thought my reply was angry or anything. I actually thought it was quite playful. It was an interesting reaction.
"Are you offering?" I asked, smiling. The barman laughed out loud.
"You wish!" She looked as if she was going to say something else but couldn't think of anything. She settled with ordering a drink and moved away.
When she returned a little later for another drink, we ended up talking for most of the evening. She was good fun, if a little arrogant. We were part of a small group left as the bar was closing, well into the early hours of the next morning. I lived about twenty minutes walk away. As did she, albeit in the opposite direction.
"Will you walk me home?" she asked. I looked at the barman and he winked at me.
"Sure" I replied.
And I think you can tell what happened from here. There haven't been many times when a woman has actually, literally thrown herself at me, but this was one of them. It was late the next day when I eventually made my way home.
And the second dream was work-related. I think. Well, the setting of the dream was work. I was being shifted around many different desks, but each time I was allocated one and had started to settle, they would decide I had to move elsewhere. This was continuing as I woke up and was, in the dream, the cause of immense frustration. I can't figure out what that was all about.
The first was when I was living abroad. I was in my local pub, having a drink and chatting to the barman, who I'd quickly befriended. In fact, I was friends with all of the bar staff actually. That wasn't difficult, there were only three. As I was the only customer in the bar, I had the choice of music. The barman on duty had created a dozen or so playlists that he was able to put on that would last a good few hours. I selected one that had a lot of soul and funk in it. I was in that kind of mood. A while later, the bar started to fill.
A woman arrived in and, while standing at the bar waiting to get served, asked for a change in music.
"Put on a different playlist," she demanded. "Number Seven is the best!"
Playlist Seven was really not my cup of tea and, in all honesty, I was sick of hearing it. The barman turned to look at me. He knew my thoughts on PL7.
"Nooooo! Stick with this one," was my retort. "It's better! We can change to something different when it ends."
The woman turned to look at me. She would have been slightly older than I was at the time. Or she was a decade older and looked after herself. I couldn't tell. She was attractive though.
"Sounds like someone needs to get laid. Chill out!"
I hadn't thought my reply was angry or anything. I actually thought it was quite playful. It was an interesting reaction.
"Are you offering?" I asked, smiling. The barman laughed out loud.
"You wish!" She looked as if she was going to say something else but couldn't think of anything. She settled with ordering a drink and moved away.
When she returned a little later for another drink, we ended up talking for most of the evening. She was good fun, if a little arrogant. We were part of a small group left as the bar was closing, well into the early hours of the next morning. I lived about twenty minutes walk away. As did she, albeit in the opposite direction.
"Will you walk me home?" she asked. I looked at the barman and he winked at me.
"Sure" I replied.
And I think you can tell what happened from here. There haven't been many times when a woman has actually, literally thrown herself at me, but this was one of them. It was late the next day when I eventually made my way home.
And the second dream was work-related. I think. Well, the setting of the dream was work. I was being shifted around many different desks, but each time I was allocated one and had started to settle, they would decide I had to move elsewhere. This was continuing as I woke up and was, in the dream, the cause of immense frustration. I can't figure out what that was all about.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Chilling out
This past week, I've taken some annual leave. I didn't take it for any particular purpose - I have LOADS left to take before the end of the year and I've already booked in my days for Christmas. Suffice to say, I've done nothing this week.
Well... not nothing but as good as. Some minor house stuff plus given the place a damned good cleaning. Oh, and I met FP for a few drinks. I had some other other stuff to do, but just like when I am in work, the two big tasks have slipped my mind all week. I can't do them now as it's far too late and it's the weekend.
It's back to work on Monday, and I wonder how I'll feel. Currently, I have no issues with having done nothing, but will I feel that way on Monday? Something similar happened at the start of the summer when I took a week's leave and did nothing, then felt incredibly guilty about it upon my return to work.
And I am hopeful that my return to work on Monday will kick off a few things that I've been expecting for the past few months, but that's a post in itself I think.
Well... not nothing but as good as. Some minor house stuff plus given the place a damned good cleaning. Oh, and I met FP for a few drinks. I had some other other stuff to do, but just like when I am in work, the two big tasks have slipped my mind all week. I can't do them now as it's far too late and it's the weekend.
It's back to work on Monday, and I wonder how I'll feel. Currently, I have no issues with having done nothing, but will I feel that way on Monday? Something similar happened at the start of the summer when I took a week's leave and did nothing, then felt incredibly guilty about it upon my return to work.
And I am hopeful that my return to work on Monday will kick off a few things that I've been expecting for the past few months, but that's a post in itself I think.
Money, money, money.
It's a record number of rollover in this Tuesday's EuroMillions lottery. The jackpot is estimated to be in the region of £167 million. With today's exchange rate, that's roughly $206 million or €186 million.
I can't even begin to comprehend how much money that is, nor what I would do with it if I actually won (Yes, I've a ticket for it, for a laugh).
What would YOU do with a substantial lottery win?
I can't even begin to comprehend how much money that is, nor what I would do with it if I actually won (Yes, I've a ticket for it, for a laugh).
What would YOU do with a substantial lottery win?
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
This morning I was thinking about people I knew at school, after digging up some old scans of photos from around the time I left high school. I was specifically think of two people: a guy I'd been friends with all the way through school since Year 8, and a girl who I'd been friends with in sixth form and I'd developed a MASSIVE crush on. I'd had other crushes before, but this was a bigger one than any I'd had up to that point.
They both went AWOL after school and have, to the best of my knowledge, no social media presence. I have looked. Neither of them turned up to our school reunion (which would have been nearly five years ago now) and none of our circle of friends seems to know where they've gone to.
The girl, let's call her SJ, was always going to go away for university. While she had never confided in me about it, she was the kind of girl that wanted to go out and see the world and she never really made that a secret. And once she left, it was unlikely she'd ever be back. However, she didn't seem like the type that would simply disappear, even though this was pre-social media. Bearing in mind that I'd stayed in touch with R2 for a few years after she left, and we barely knew each other - a budding romance/friendship that was just at the wrong time. SJ and I were actual friends. Would it have been more? I never saw any signals at the time and, looking back, I just remember a good friendship.
I know FP saw her a few times shortly after we all left school. He even claimed that she'd made moves on him one night. I don't know how much I believe him. SJ was the kind of girl who would have made a move herself if she was interested, but I don't know that FP was her type.
I saw SJ once after we left - I bumped into her and her little sister at a musical at the theatre when I was out with AM and tried to have a conversation or at least arrange to meet after the show for a drink. I think the term "frosty" would adequately describe her engagement in the conversation. It was disappointing and somewhat confusing. After all, when she broke up with a boyfriend, I was the person she called for company, not any of her female friends. We had been that close. And her little sister thought I was great.
Of all the people I've lost touch with over the years, SJ is definitely top of the list of people I'd love to hear from again.
They both went AWOL after school and have, to the best of my knowledge, no social media presence. I have looked. Neither of them turned up to our school reunion (which would have been nearly five years ago now) and none of our circle of friends seems to know where they've gone to.
The girl, let's call her SJ, was always going to go away for university. While she had never confided in me about it, she was the kind of girl that wanted to go out and see the world and she never really made that a secret. And once she left, it was unlikely she'd ever be back. However, she didn't seem like the type that would simply disappear, even though this was pre-social media. Bearing in mind that I'd stayed in touch with R2 for a few years after she left, and we barely knew each other - a budding romance/friendship that was just at the wrong time. SJ and I were actual friends. Would it have been more? I never saw any signals at the time and, looking back, I just remember a good friendship.
I know FP saw her a few times shortly after we all left school. He even claimed that she'd made moves on him one night. I don't know how much I believe him. SJ was the kind of girl who would have made a move herself if she was interested, but I don't know that FP was her type.
I saw SJ once after we left - I bumped into her and her little sister at a musical at the theatre when I was out with AM and tried to have a conversation or at least arrange to meet after the show for a drink. I think the term "frosty" would adequately describe her engagement in the conversation. It was disappointing and somewhat confusing. After all, when she broke up with a boyfriend, I was the person she called for company, not any of her female friends. We had been that close. And her little sister thought I was great.
Of all the people I've lost touch with over the years, SJ is definitely top of the list of people I'd love to hear from again.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Ring ring.
A part of me half-expected G to be in contact today. It was the anniversary this weekend of his father passing away, and he usually comes home for that. I was out of town five years ago when this happened. As it was, I was actually meant to be meeting G, along with FP (who was travelling with me). We ended up in Brighton that weekend. I was keeping an eye out for CAB and R, both of whom are based in Brighton these days, I think. (I have no idea how CAB would react to bumping into me on the street, though.) And I do have this habit of bumping into people I know when I travel over to London.
There's been no sign of G today though. I was busy doing some stuff about the house today, so this thought hadn't crossed my mind until a few minutes go.
He still might be in touch, if he's in town. G can be the master of late phone calls at times.
There's been no sign of G today though. I was busy doing some stuff about the house today, so this thought hadn't crossed my mind until a few minutes go.
He still might be in touch, if he's in town. G can be the master of late phone calls at times.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Memories Part 3
As abruptly as the conversation started, it ended. CH simply stopped replying to messages at the end of the afternoon.
Years later, she's still the same sadly.
Years later, she's still the same sadly.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Memories Part 2
Off the back of my earlier post, CH and I have been swapping messages all afternoon. I had re-posted the Facebook post that had prompted the memory, to which CH replied.
An hour or so later, my phone buzzed. It was CH. We chatted, as best we could for a few hours, though the conversation never really took off beyond the initial topic - CH is currently off work due to surgery.
Sometimes, I miss CH's company. More often than that, and what is true right now, is that I wish I could have had the same friendship with CH that I had/have with KfW2, at least in terms of being able to see her socially, to chat to her freely without her backing off.
An hour or so later, my phone buzzed. It was CH. We chatted, as best we could for a few hours, though the conversation never really took off beyond the initial topic - CH is currently off work due to surgery.
Sometimes, I miss CH's company. More often than that, and what is true right now, is that I wish I could have had the same friendship with CH that I had/have with KfW2, at least in terms of being able to see her socially, to chat to her freely without her backing off.
According to Facebook, today is the sixth anniversary of the night that CH made some very interesting comments with what I perceived to be hidden meaning. Hinting at... what? You can read about it in this post.
All she said, using actual words, was that I should join her for a drink for a bit, to get away from another gathering for half an hour or so. It was a Tuesday night, so I can't remember what the occasion was.
But what did she actually mean? My gut told me (backed up by USHW) that there was something she wasn't saying.
One of life's unanswered, though frustrating questions.
All she said, using actual words, was that I should join her for a drink for a bit, to get away from another gathering for half an hour or so. It was a Tuesday night, so I can't remember what the occasion was.
But what did she actually mean? My gut told me (backed up by USHW) that there was something she wasn't saying.
One of life's unanswered, though frustrating questions.
Saturday, September 07, 2019
Quiet Girl did indeed turn up top the social event, KfW2 didn't sadly. Nerdy Girl also showed up, eventually.
Quiet Girl stayed a lot longer than I had predicted. I think she simply enjoyed our company - we're a reasonably tight knit group, though welcoming to people we like... and we like Quiet Girl. It was nice to get chatting to her for a bit, not talking about work etc.
I think I put to bed the ambiguity around Nerdy Girl as well. There was nothing last night that suggested she was interested in anything other than being pals, which suits me down to the ground.
There may be a few sore heads today, but not me. All I'm suffering from is lack of sleep.
Quiet Girl stayed a lot longer than I had predicted. I think she simply enjoyed our company - we're a reasonably tight knit group, though welcoming to people we like... and we like Quiet Girl. It was nice to get chatting to her for a bit, not talking about work etc.
I think I put to bed the ambiguity around Nerdy Girl as well. There was nothing last night that suggested she was interested in anything other than being pals, which suits me down to the ground.
There may be a few sore heads today, but not me. All I'm suffering from is lack of sleep.
Friday, September 06, 2019
Oh, what a sight.
Headphones on, listening to tunes as I walk into the office and I stop dead in my tracks. Literally three metres in front of me, Quiet Girl is bent over, fishing something out of her bag, in full yoga gear.
A nice set of well-fitting yoga pants is a joy to behold. So I did. Well, as long as I could without being seen to perv in the office.
I hope she's going out to this thing in the pub later, but whether it's happening is in the balance, due to some personal issues of the guy who's leaving.
A nice set of well-fitting yoga pants is a joy to behold. So I did. Well, as long as I could without being seen to perv in the office.
I hope she's going out to this thing in the pub later, but whether it's happening is in the balance, due to some personal issues of the guy who's leaving.
Thursday, September 05, 2019
Speaking to KfW2 over lunch, and she once again reiterated how skint she is.
"And I will be until 2021!" she quipped.
Well... there goes adult night out for the foreseeable future. Unsurprisingly, she suggested that I might go to hers... along with her hubby's friend. I think I've mentioned before how often an invite to KfW2's often coincides with her hubby inviting his friend over for drinks. It's not that I don't like the friend... I just don't know him very well, so I'm unlikely to be vocal in any conversation.
Still... I haven't seen her, outside work in, like, forever so the invite is really tempting regardless.
Who knows when this will actually be though. I've already got a night out in October (possibly two if the usual Hallowe'en night happens), so my own finances aren't going to be in great shape unless this suspected promotion (and subsequent pay rise) come along.
It literally will be three years since our last adult night out before we get another one.
"And I will be until 2021!" she quipped.
Well... there goes adult night out for the foreseeable future. Unsurprisingly, she suggested that I might go to hers... along with her hubby's friend. I think I've mentioned before how often an invite to KfW2's often coincides with her hubby inviting his friend over for drinks. It's not that I don't like the friend... I just don't know him very well, so I'm unlikely to be vocal in any conversation.
Still... I haven't seen her, outside work in, like, forever so the invite is really tempting regardless.
Who knows when this will actually be though. I've already got a night out in October (possibly two if the usual Hallowe'en night happens), so my own finances aren't going to be in great shape unless this suspected promotion (and subsequent pay rise) come along.
It literally will be three years since our last adult night out before we get another one.
Memories Squared
I was reminded of something that Nerdy Girl said a few weeks ago, earlier today. I can't remember what prompted the memory of that particular conversation, but Nerdy Girl effectively said that she thought that myself and three fairly close colleagues (ex-teammates) were "safe" and she could trust us implicitly.
If I remember correctly, when she said this, I raised an eyebrow as a) I'd already had that suspicion that she was looking for something from me and b) there was no context to her saying this.
Today's memory prompted another memory of working with QC2, in my early 20s, and a small group of us (including Friction Guy), talking about arranging a weekend away to go on the lash. QC2 stated that, if required, she'd share a room with Friction Guy as she didn't "trust" the rest of us. I mean, she had a point, I had a MASSIVE crush on her back in the day, so sharing a room with her would have been the jackpot. That trip never actually happened, so room sharing was a moot point, but the memory was there.
If I remember correctly, when she said this, I raised an eyebrow as a) I'd already had that suspicion that she was looking for something from me and b) there was no context to her saying this.
Today's memory prompted another memory of working with QC2, in my early 20s, and a small group of us (including Friction Guy), talking about arranging a weekend away to go on the lash. QC2 stated that, if required, she'd share a room with Friction Guy as she didn't "trust" the rest of us. I mean, she had a point, I had a MASSIVE crush on her back in the day, so sharing a room with her would have been the jackpot. That trip never actually happened, so room sharing was a moot point, but the memory was there.
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