Wednesday, September 18, 2019


This morning I was thinking about people I knew at school, after digging up some old scans of photos from around the time I left high school. I was specifically think of two people: a guy I'd been friends with all the way through school since Year 8, and a girl who I'd been friends with in sixth form and I'd developed a MASSIVE crush on.

They both went AWOL after school and have, to the best of my knowledge, no social media presence. I have looked. Neither of them turned up to our school reunion (which would have been nearly five years ago now) and none of our circle of friends seems to know where they've gone to.

The girl, let's call her SJ, was always going to go away for university. While she had never confided in me about it, she was the kind of girl that wanted to go out and see the world and she never really made that a secret. And once she left, it was unlikely she'd ever be back. However, she didn't seem like the type that would simply disappear, even though this was pre-social media. Bearing in mind that I'd stayed in touch with R2 for a few years after she left, and we barely knew each other - a budding romance/friendship that was just at the wrong time. SJ and I were actual friends. Would it have been more? I never saw any signals at the time and, looking back, I just remember a good friendship.

I know FP saw her a few times shortly after we all left school. He even claimed that she'd made moves on him one night. I don't know how much I believe him. SJ was the kind of girl who would have made a move herself if she was interested, but I don't know that FP was her type.

I saw SJ once after we left - I bumped into her and her little sister at a musical at the theatre when I was out with AM and tried to have a conversation or at least arrange to meet after the show for a drink. I think the term "frosty" would adequately describe her engagement in the conversation. It was disappointing and somewhat confusing. After all, when she broke up with a boyfriend, I was the person she called for company, not any of her female friends. We had been that close. And her little sister thought I was great.

Of all the people I've lost touch with over the years, SJ is definitely top of the list of people I'd love to hear from again.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...