Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

An admission... I've never received a Valentine's Card. Well, strictly speaking, I've never received a serious card from someone interested in me in a non-platonic way. I did get one once from QC1 (and secretly AM) that was very much tongue in cheek that I really wanted to be legit. I had kissed QC1 at a New Year's Eve party only a few weeks prior, asked her out a few days later (was shot down) and carried a huge crush on her for far too long afterwards.

Even now at my age, a small part of me hopes that a card arrives on my doormat, even though there's no one remotely on the radar.

Arguably, I should have been at a speed dating night tonight with GM for moral support, but that hasn't panned out, for reasons I'll go into in another post, later.

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