Monday, May 28, 2018


I admitted to KfW2 this morning that I was in a bad place over the past few weeks. Of course, with it being me, I didn't come right out and say it, but I did tell her that I'd been having trouble sleeping, that I was out of sorts, mentally, and that it was bothering me because there had been more than a couple of days where it had been difficult getting out of bed.

She was sympathetic, though in a dismissive kinda way. That sounds harsher than it was. She did empathise, but the conversation quickly moved on.

Fast forward to tonight and I made the same confession to CC and she was much more positive, making suggestions, offering support and offering to get me off the sofa.

That was kind of the complete opposite reaction from both women than I was expecting.

And neither conversation was as productive as the one I'd had with USHW over email yesterday where we thrashed out potential solutions to the issues that I think are bothering me.

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