Saturday, May 12, 2018


Many years ago, a new girl joined our team in work. Cute, brunette, petite.

On a work night out, as we were leaving the restaurant, I motioned her to walk in front of me.

"What a gentleman you are!" she declared.

"Even if I told you that I only did that so I can see if you have a nice ass?"

She laughed over her shoulder and swayed her hips. She did have a nice ass.

We got along well enough, but she moved on to other opportunities a short time later.

Years later, on our first (only) proper date, RB asked if I knew her. It turned out that RB and I used to work for the same company, at the same time, albeit only for a few months before RB went for a career change into, well, recruitment. RB, MF and the girl with the nice ass had all attended college together and started on the same day, but RB and GWTNA had fallen out. It's not surprising. GWTNA was pretty headstrong, as was RB come to think of it. 

In fact, GWTNA and KFW later fell out (over GM), and wrongly in my opinion as GWTNA was dating someone else at the time, but screwing GM on the side. I don't know the exact details of why GWTNA and KFW fell out. I don't think KFW and GM ever hooked up. 

RB never explained why she had stopped being friends with GWTNA, but both of them are, as they say, bonkers.

I'd forgotten all about GWTNA's relationship with RB until she popped up on Facebook today in pictures with her kids and her husband... the guy she cheated on with GM.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...