Friday, May 04, 2018


I've always harboured a suspicion that SG wasn't entirely honest about her feelings towards GM. The official line is that they met on an online dating site, quickly knew they'd be friends, but nothing more. However, a few months later, on a drunken night away, doing sporty stuff, they ended up fucking.

They then lapsed back into "we're only friends" territory, but SG was very jealous when Foreign Girl was in town. As FG and GM were telling me this one night in the pub, I declared that SG was harbouring stronger feelings for GM than she was admitting to. In fact, I suggested this to almost everyone who asked - FP, KfW2 amongst others.

During this time, SG was going on dates, but ending them early so she could come and meet us (GM, S and myself) in the pub. There were rarely any second dates.

It got to the point where I suspected that GM and SG had progressed to being, at the very least, fuck buddies, ending up at GM's after each night we were out.

So, when I professed a theory that SG had hung around, making herself available for GM if he ever changed his mind about dating, I was shouted down. Or at least, the theory was pooh-poohed. KfW2 was one person who was certainly dubious.

A few weeks ago, whilst very, very drunk, SG admitted that she fell in love with GM pretty much the first time they met.

This, in my mind, backs up my theory. It certainly confirms the fact that SG had been harbouring strong feelings for GM long before she admitted to them publicly.

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