Sunday, May 06, 2018

Positive thinking.

This month is going to be very busy both professionally and personally. I've already had two social nights out. There's at least another one planned, with work, before the end of the month. There are a couple of other things in the pipeline as well, but they've slipped my mind for now.

In work, we're pretty much changing our entire suite of processes. We're years behind the current industry trends, but this is more to do with upper management than people at my level. In fact, if they'd listened to us when I joined the team, we wouldn't be involved in something this big. We've wanted to modernise our way of working as well as update the product we deliver for years, but were never allowed to. That's the trouble with the company I work for - they tend not to listen to us, only paying attention when someone in the upper echelons makes a decision. In this case, we got an industry renowned guy in, who pretty much suggested the changes we've been asking for for years. Only he wasn't suggesting this about my team or small departments but rather the entire company. We've spent millions of pounds making these changes, but it's been slow, not without issues and probably not as successful as it should have been.

This change means this month is going to be spent re-writing processes, meeting new team mates and doing lots of training. And it's going to get stressful.

I'm already stressed to a certain extent. Not as much as I was last year, but I don't feel that I've properly recovered from my boss working me to the bone then hanging me out to dry. My diet and exercise habits have been appalling since the turn of the year. Exercise-wise, I've been out of sorts for years due to various injuries, but my diet has taken a turn for the worse. I've increased the amount of takeaways and general junk/quick food I'm eating for dinners for the same reason that I've struggled to get into exercise again - mentally exhausted by the time I come home from work and want something quick and easy.

I've just done a Tesco shop with ingredients that I can use to cook proper dinners, including some healthy options - a filling Tabbouleh salad, for example. With the nights brightening, maybe I can spend half an hour in the kitchen prepping something tasty and healthier than a Chinese takeaway. If I can do the same for lunches, not only can I eat healthier, but I could even save some money as well.

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