Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I haven't had enough coffee yet to come up with a title.

Ironically, only a few hours after my last post, I spent an entire evening in the company of KfW2, and only KfW2.

Not in a bar, but at my house.

Not a purely social evening either, we were trying to figure out what was wrong with her Dad's laptop. She left around 11:30 PM, after 6 hours of frustration, trouble-shooting, tea drinking and demolishing my collection of chocolate biscuits.

As she left, she was apologetic about "wasting my evening", but I've done nothing that I wouldn't have done on my own - sit in front of the telly, or the PC. This time, I had company.

We didn't really get into any kind of proper chat - we touched briefly on the work stuff - but it was all small talk in between watching the TV and problem solving. There wasn't any of the deeper stuff that we can get into at other times.

It was nice to have the company and I do enjoy the technical troubleshooting, but bittersweet because, like the kiddie play dates mentioned earlier, I only had the company because I was doing her a favour.

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