Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sigh, again.

Unsurprisingly, in Ireland, pubs are busy on St. Patrick's Day.

When St. Patrick's Day coincides with the last day of the Six Nations championship, and Ireland are on for the Grand Slam and Triple Crown, then that's just going to add more business to already busy bars.

I'd suggested a day out. It's always me who suggests and arranges these things. We'd agreed, as a group, to head out earlier to catch the rugby match, and the details were finalised at lunchtime.

I arrived at the designated pub first (one of my favourite bars - the one where I've seen CB in years gone by). It was packed and the bouncers were not letting anyone in. I texted the group:

Me: Bar A's full. Not letting anyone in. I'm across the road in Bar B but there's no TV.

Ten minute later (twenty minutes after our arranged meeting time):

FC: We got into the bar. Try again.
Me: I've got a beer. I'll be over once I finish this.

Ten minutes later:

Me: Still no luck in getting in. Still too busy.
FC: My friend's in Bar C.

I walk up the road to this third bar. It's packed. No sign of FC's friend.

FC: My friend's now in Bar B. Can you see him? We're staying here to watch the rugby. England are taking a beating. We will meet you at half time.
Me: I was in Bar C, but now I'm on my way home.

I was the first to arrive, FC and his wife were ten minutes later, but rather than meet me, they went to the original bar. Then they refused to leave. They wanted me to hang around with THEIR friend, unable to watch the rugby, while they sat 50 meters away. GM and SG were still some time away.

I'd had enough, to be honest. Just over an hour after leaving the house, I was back again. It's not the first time that FC has shown this selfish side.

GM and SG arrived a few hours later (I suspect once I'd messaged about the problems getting into Pub A that they watched the match at home).

They tried to persuade me to go out, and for a while I considered it, but I was still a bit annoyed at FC's conduct.

It wasn't the St. Patrick's Day that I'd imagined, but it was still enjoyable. I got to see most of the rugby match. I watched a football match and then a couple of films on Netflix.

But I really could have done with being out socially.

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