Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I'm just back from my chat with GM. I already feel slightly better and I think I managed to say everything that I wanted to say. I'm not sure that I explained myself too well in some things, but I'm blaming that on a busy night's entertaining that I did last night and the subsequent lack of sleep and hangover.

I did cover my disappointment in GB and MFF regarding CB, my online dating experiences, my subsequent disappointment in KfW2 not being more understanding, how long this has been an issue for... pretty much everything I originally talked about in this post.

I was surprised that GM's online dating experience wasn't that much better than mine (or so he claims) - he's pretty much described as a very good-looking bloke by fellas and girls alike. I would have imagined that he would have been getting a lot more messages (if not dates) than I had. While he does get more messages from me, they rarely turn into dates.

We've come to an agreement about trying to get out to meet people socially - we talked again about trying speed dating. I instructed GM that if we are out and I am pointing out cute women that he has to give me a kick up the arse and make me more pro-active (and help me with ice-breakers/openers). He asked me to do the same.

This is all just talk... but Christmas is a social season, so time will tell if this chat leads to the two of us helping each other out. I hope it does.

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